“Uhmph! You would never know that you are a photographer … “

Wayne said over my shoulder while I gleefully made photos of the cup in front of me. Two weeks ago Wayne was actually the subject for an assignment but this time he was just the guy next to me as we sipped some very nice mead.  Turns out that he and I are members of the same home brewing club the Indian Peaks Alers. He's a board member and I'm the new guy. I've been a home brewer for about two and a half years and I decided to take it more seriously by getting involved in my local club to get more feedback on my little hobby. Some of the guys there have won serious medals for their beers so I'm in good hands.

We were at the monthly meeting last night and while we were tasting club members samples of their meads and beers I was wandering about making photos with my phone. I have the superb camera app called Vignette for my Nexus One and it's the only app that I've spent money on. But let me tell ya brother it's worth it. Superb controls and like so many Android applications it just gets better. I can now make custom camera effect presets. Whoo-hoo! Thusly armed with my preset "Funky B&W" as I chatted with members and enjoyed some tasty stuff I happily snapped away. While everyone else was focused on the guest speaker who was talking about the
experiment that she did with five different yeast strains and how it
changed the character of the mead I was enthralled with the light
pattern on the place mat. It's just how I am, ya know? BTW I'm pretty thrilled with the quality of images that I can get with my phone. It's the artist not the brush. But if you have an interesting brush it makes you want to, uh, paint. Right?










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