Inspiration is Contagious

The Process

1) The Meeting Call
Everything starts with an initial call where I begin to understand your company, the project’s core objectives, any specific challenges, and your desired outcomes.
This is where we set the foundation for our collaboration. By getting to know each other upfront, we ensure we’re a great fit to work together. I’m not the solution for every project and not every potential client is suited to be my patron. The fit is important because if we go forward, we will be working together closely and I need to be able to learn the subtleties of your business and your clients.

2) The Proposal
Once we’re aligned on your goals and decided that we are a good fit, the next step is the Proposal. Here, I walk you through a customized project proposal crafted to meet your unique objectives. This allows us to address any questions or adjustments in real-time, ensuring the proposal reflects your needs accurately.

3) Pre-Production
Once we agree the proposal and the budget, the real work begins. I start my research into your company and our message, always considering the audience. If the project is for your website, a sales tool, to lead in your keynote address or something for your social media platform, they all have different audiences. That difference drives the language both visual and spoken of the project at hand.
That audience-based language will determine the scripting, tone, style and locations for the video. This stage is where the bulk of time and effort goes. All the critical details such as script, tone, location, music and location are created so that we can go into production.

4) Production
This is when we pull out the cameras, put the lights into place at the location that tells the story that we have imagined. While we may spend weeks or even months in the pre-production “thinking” stage, now we put it together in a few days’ time.

5) Post production
This is the final assembly of all that we have thought out and created. Since I came up with the concept, wrote the script, shot and conducted the interview, shot the associated visuals, putting all the pieces together as I envisioned is comparatively easy. It’s all there to be tidied up and sent to you for approval.

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