The smallest rodeo

The Smallest Rodeo

Head out on Colorado highway 14 into the northeast plains and you might see a water tower off on the horizon.  Head towards it for
about 15 miles along the bumpy, dusty road and you come to the tiny town of Grover. It’s all but a ghost town; 36 blocks small and
less than 200 residents. Whenthe railroad stopped going through in the early 1970’s, Grover almost disappeared.

However on Fathers day weekend it becomes the most important place in northeastern Colorado. That’s because the smallest
professional rodeo in North America comes to town and everyone shows up turning Grover into the place to be. Unlike the big rodeos,
this is an intimate affair.

Instead of seeing your favorite cowboys and bull riders with binoculars, you stand an arm length away. Want an autograph? Just walk
over to his trailer here on the tiny fairground. No massive arena and grand stands, just a simple fence ring that you can back your
pickup against and watch from the comfort of a lawn chair. Most folks bring a tent or camper and stay overnight for the party often
goes till dawn – campfires twinkling beneath the endless stars of the wide western sky.

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